Dental Insurance Versus Dental Discount Plans

Dental Insurance

  1. All dental insurance plans have a maximum allowed during the term year
  2. All dental plans break the services up into 3 categories
  3. Preventative-usually at no cost and includes 2 cleanings annually and 1 check-up by the Dentist and 1 set of X-rays
  4. Basic Services-most plans don’t have a waiting period but some do. Usually about 6 months. These services vary by the plan and usually pay 80% of the fees. The balance is owed by the patient
  5. Major Services-usually a one year wait for services. Reason is simple, many people buy the plan to get a crown and then un-enroll. Having a waiting period eliminates the problem
  6. All dental insurance plans use a network or have open access with customary and usual fees prevailing
  7. Plans have annual maximums in a range of $750-$2500. The higher the maximum the more benefit you get. Personally, I don’t recommend anything less than $1500 max.
  8. Some of the plans have graduating scales of percentage they pay and the max can increase over time. These plans usually cost a little more and not sure if the benefit meets the coats.
  9. Individual plans offered through The Barend Agency Inc. include Cigna, Anthem, UHC, Security Life-AMERITAS, Delta Dental and National General.

Dental Discount Plans

  1. This is not insurance.
  2. There are many different plans out there. The biggest benefit is there is no maximum. You simply pay the contracted rate the dentist has with the plan.
  3. I have 3 plans I offer but prefer the one on my website called Avia Dental. Go to and look under dental discount plans for Avia Dental.
  4. The reason is the cost of services appears to be better than other plans I offer and have seen.
  5. The dentists that carry the discount plans probably aren’t your dentist. If using your dentist is a must, then buy the dental insurance.
  6. Cost is much less than dental insurance. We pay $128 for the year for both my wife and I. Compare that to about $35 per month per individual. The dental discount plans also cover vision and RX discounts.

Example: Needed about $6900 worth of work done, paid $2900. Similar experience for my wife. No maximums to worry about, no waiting periods to worry about, just discounts for all procedures. After the work was completed, I needed a cleaning. The cost was $35.

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