What’s Going On In Healthcare
The following are updates of the state of health insurance in America and focusing on what is happening with United Healthcare. Need to state that I am a producer selling all insurance carriers in Nevada, including United Healthcare and have no agenda other than informing my readers of the following situations.
After the unfortunate shooting of the CEO of United, there is an outpour of anger from all walks of life in America and are standing up and complaining how they are treated when filing an insurance claim.

Massachusetts has already filed a case against three of United’s companies for slow paying and denying too many claims. The fine was $165 million dollars which United is, of course, appealing. Several other states are initiating similar claims against several other insurance companies including United.
The trend of denying claims and waiting for the appeal, (Which in many cases, the client loses interest in pursuing, thus leading to greater profits for the insurance companies) to also be denied causes many to file medical bankruptcy which is the largest cause for bankruptcy in the country.
On a different subject regarding health insurance there appears to be a trend where some brokers and agents are selling products the client doesn’t need or can afford. This is not like most brokers or agents but unfortunately it does exist.
The issue no one talks about is what has happened to health insurance in the 17 years since Obamacare became law. Prior to Obamacare, health insurance was for the most part affordable yet discriminated against those with certain pre-existing conditions. Many were denied coverage while others paid extra money due to their medical condition or conditions. That affordability went down the drain because Obamacare had to take all people regardless of their medical condition. Naturally, those with serious illnesses sought coverage before the healthy and took the most expensive policies because the cost was much less than with the lower priced plans. We used to have Platinum plans which were 90/10 plans, and they do not exist any longer, and the richest benefit plan is the gold which is an 80/20 split. The higher number is paid by the insurance, and the lower number is paid by the client, or insured.
This trend will continue for the foreseeable future until and unless Congress does something about it. Let’s be honest, if Congress can have their own
plans outside of the Obamacare regulations, this will never change. This is true with Medicare as well. Congress is also not on Medicare so nothing will get done unless they are forced onto both plans. The only way to accomplish this is to hold the Convention of States which can change the Constitution and force Congress on the same plans we must use. Once that happens (iof it happens) both [plans will have many more benefits at lower prices.
This blog is meant to open your eyes to what is happening in the insurance industry and hopefully you will contact your Congress people and ask them to make some changes in the delivery of both individual and Medicare insurance. Both systems need addressing.
I hope this information is useful and if anyone has questions, please contact me via phone or email and I will respond quickly.
Also, take a look at Medicare 2025 Information.

The Barend Agency Inc.
Len Barend, Broker
Email: len@insurance4unevada.com